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  • 쇼핑몰
Asia-Pacific 3D Standards & IP Forum
2011-12-09 5,912 69
2012년 2월 24일 금요일
  • 시간
    오전 9:00 ~ 오후 5:00
  • 장소
    COEX Conference Room (N) 203 in Seoul, Korea


  • 설명
    It is a great pleasure to announce the first ‘Asia-Pacific 3D Standards & IP Forum’ to be held in February 2012 in Seoul, Korea.

    As the world has been evolved into the knowledge-based economy, IP assets are increasingly recognized as key business assets. Estimates vary, ...but experts believe between 70 percent and 90 per cent of the market value of publicly traded companies is attributed to intellectual property.

    Recently 3D technologies are widely incorporated into the 2D-based traditional industries in the fields of broadcasting, movies, games, medicine, and education thereby enhancing productivity and creating new value-added services.

    According to Seed Planning, a Japanese market research firm, more than 20% of the image contents of the Japanese movie, medicine, education, game, and advertisement industries are expected to adopt 3D technology in 2018.

    The main objective of the ‘Asia-Pacific 3D Standards & IP Forum’ is to provide a venue for international cooperation among the 3D technology and standards experts while pursuing standardization strategies to bring economical benefits for 3D based industries through harmonization between intellectual property rights and standards.

    Since the speakers and panelists of this forum are the top class IP and standards experts currently wo

    행사기간 : 2012.02.24

    자료제공 : Technology & Standards

    홈페이지 : http://

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