<% '@CODEPAGE="65001" language="vbscript" 'Option Explicit 'session.CodePage = "65001" 'Response.CharSet = "utf-8" 'Response.buffer=true 'Response.Expires = 0 %> <% dim str,val ' ÇØÇÇÁ¤´åÄÄ Ãß°¡ 2008-05-27 function sqlCheck(str) val=UCASE(str) if instr(val, ";") <> 0 Or _ instr(val, "'") <> 0 Or _ instr(val, "--") <> 0 Or _ instr(val, "/*") <> 0 Or _ instr(val, "*/") <> 0 Or _ instr(val, "XP_") <> 0 Or _ instr(val, "DECLARE") <> 0 Or _ instr(val, "SELECT") <> 0 Or _ instr(val, "UPDATE") <> 0 Or _ instr(val, "DELETE") <> 0 Or _ instr(val, "INSERT") <> 0 Or _ instr(val, "SHUTDOWN") <> 0 Or _ instr(val, "DROP") <> 0 then ' response.write "¿À·ù¹ß»ý" response.Write("") response.End Else sqlCheck=str end if end function 'Dim idx : idx=sqlCheck(request("idx")) Dim NewGetTable,GetPage, intTotalCount, intTotalPage, intBlockPage, intPageSize Dim intTemp, intLoop ,order_num Dim GetSearchStr, GetSearchPart, wc , Rs1 NewGetTable = "mechanicalboard" GetPage = sqlCheck(request("page")) intPageSize = 10 intBlockPage = 10 GetSearchStr = sqlCheck(request("SearchStr")) GetSearchPart= sqlCheck(request("SearchPart")) if GetSearchPart = "" then GetSearchPart = "BD_SUBJECT" if GetSearchStr <> "" then wc = " where " & GetSearchPart & " like '%" & GetSearchStr & "%' and BD_STATE = 1" else wc = " where BD_STATE = 1" end if If Len(GetPage) = 0 Then GetPage = 1 End If sql = "Select Count(*)" sql = sql & ",CEILING(CAST(Count(*) AS FLOAT)/" & intPageSize & ")" sql = sql & " from " & NewGetTable & wc Set Rs = Con.Execute(sql) intTotalCount = Rs(0) intTotalPage = Rs(1) Rs.Close sql = "SELECT TOP 10 BD_SEQ , BD_THREAD , BD_DEPTH , BD_NAME , BD_SUBJECT, BD_INPUTDATE, BD_READCOUNT " sql = sql & " ,(SELECT COUNT(seq) FROM mechanicalboard_Comment WHERE PARENT_SEQ = "&NewGetTable&".BD_SEQ AND Parent_b_kind = '" & NewGetTable & "') AS CommentCount , " sql = sql & " DATEDIFF(hour, BD_INPUTDATE, GETDATE()) " sql = sql & " FROM " & NewGetTable & wc sql = sql & " AND BD_THREAD NOT IN " sql = sql & " (SELECT Top " & Cstr(10 * (GetPage-1)) & " BD_THREAD FROM " &NewGetTable & wc & " ORDER BY BD_THREAD DESC) " sql = sql & " ORDER BY BD_THREAD DESC " set Rs = Con.execute(sql) %> <%=hp_title%>
ÇöÀçÀ§Ä¡ : HOME >PLM Information >PLM ´º½º
<% order_num = intTotalCount - Int((GetPage - 1))*intPageSize If Rs.BOF or Rs.EOF Then %> <% Else Do Until Rs.EOF %> <% order_num = order_num - 1 Rs.MoveNext Loop End If Rs.close set rs = nothing con.close set con= nothing %>
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<%=order_num%> <% If Rs(2) > 0 Then Response.Write (" ") End IF %> <% if len( Rs(4) ) >60 Then Response.write ( mid(rs(4), 1 ,60) & "..." ) Else Response.write rs(4) End If if not cint(Rs(7) )=0 Then Response.write "("&rs(7)&")" End If %> <% If( Rs(8) < 48 ) Then Response.write (" ") End If %> <% Sql = "SELECT Right(File_NAME,3) , File_Name FROM " & NewGetTable & "_PDS WHERE FILE_BD_SEQ = " & RS(0) & " and FILE_BD_TABLE ='" & NewGetTable &"'" Set Rs1 = Con.Execute(Sql) if not Rs1.Eof then Response.Write (" "&Rs1(1)&"") end if Rs1.close %> <%=left(Rs(5),10)%> <%=Rs(6)%>
<% intTemp = Int((GetPage - 1) / intBlockPage) * intBlockPage + 1 If intTemp = 1 Then Response.Write "[ÀÌÀü " & intBlockPage & "°³]  " Else Response.Write"[ÀÌÀü " & intBlockPage & "°³]  " End If intLoop = 1 Do Until intLoop > intBlockPage Or intTemp > intTotalPage If intTemp = CInt(GetPage) Then Response.Write "" & intTemp &"  " Else Response.Write"" & intTemp & "  " End If intTemp = intTemp + 1 intLoop = intLoop + 1 Loop If intTemp > intTotalPage Then Response.Write "[´ÙÀ½ " &intBlockPage&"°³]  " Else Response.Write"[´ÙÀ½ " & intBlockPage & "°³]" End If %>
<%if session("admin") = "administrator" then%> <% end if%>